6.2.2025Patients could benefit from adjusting their medication based on genetic information
29.1.2025ELIXIR Finland: 10 years of connecting Finnish life sciences to Europe
27.12.2024600,000 whole slide images for analysis by the LUMI supercomputer: one of the largest data transfers ever made to the machine.
15.11.2024How the mother’s microbiota affects the foetal development and immune system?
22.10.2024Efficient sequencing methods are vital for studying impacts of microbes.
1.10.2024RNA interference: molecular dynamics simulations provide new information for drug design.
2.9.2024The world’s most extensive drug screening with CSC’s resources: New machine learning method speeds up screening hundred-fold.
25.7.2024CSC participated in sequencing the genome of coffee
22.7.2024CSC’s sensitive data services: valuable new insights into how big data could be used in public health in the future.
30.5.2024One of the world’s largest studies on secondary use of data
10.5.2024Finnish Use Cases 2 - report published
5.5.2024CSC has a big role for developing an infrastructure for genomic data
2.4.2024COVID-19 data was analysed on the CSC’s LUMI supercomputer
12.3.2024Against papillomavirus with CSC’s resources
5.3.2024One of the most comprehensive human genome simulations in the world
1.3.2024Launch of EOSC-ENTRUST - driving European interoperability for sensitive data access and analysis
20.2.2024Transfer of biological image data to CSC’s environment through container wrapper
1.2.2024Launch of ELIXIR-STEERS - enhancing research software management in life science
23.1.2024The degree of fragmentation of the cancer cell DNA to determine prognosis for cancer treatment
19.12.2023Secondary use of the health data
29.11.2023Studying microbiota at protein level requires CSC’s computing capacity
15.11.2023Bioremediation: purifying mining wastewater with plant-associated microbes
1.10.2023Artificial intelligence finds suitable drugs with CSC’s high-performance computing clusters
1.9.2023Translational medicine for personalised treatment
15.8.2023New drug candidates discovered for leukaemia through data analysis
10.6.2023Predicting the risk for type 1 diabetes
16.5.2023Single-cell RNA sequencing will produce a vast amount of information on diseases.
12.4.2023New information on celiac disease with Sensitive Data (SD) services by CSC
20.3.2023The microbiome of the Baltic Sea
13.2.2023Susanna Repo has joined the ELIXIR Finland team!
27.2.2023Finding cancer genes with organoids
3.1.2023A clear and standardized way to share patient data responsibly
19.12.2022Sensitive Data (SD) services for Research: SD Connect and SD Desktop
30.11.2022By sequencing it was discovered several previously unknown microbiota and genomes
20.10.2022RDMkit for agile data management
29.9.2022Statistical framework for describing the assembly of microbial communities
1.9.2022Antibiotic-resistant bacteria carry resistance genes and often become dominant in microbial populations
23.8.2022Modelling cells and simulating how they work gives a boost to personalised treatment plans
30.6.2022Allas is CSC’s data management system that research groups can also use to share data.
23.5.2022Genetic data combined with registry data makes it possible to develop measures to prevent diseases and to create more effective treatments.
8.4.2022When genetic data is combined with clinical data, one can predict individual´s disease susceptibility.
6.4.2022Finnish research team looks for risk factors of diseases associated with diabetes
15.2.2022Solutions for the secure use of data
10.2.2022CSC builds a database of pathological data
30.12.2021CSC is building an infrastructure for sensitive data
27.11.2021Algorithm may diagnose glaucoma
9.12.2021Better artificial intelligence models to support care decisions
4.10.2021Identifying cancer from blood sample DNA using algorithms
20.9.2021Surfing towards open data integration - more information in the webinar 22 September 2021!
1.12.2020Supercomputers speed up the diagnosis of diseases
11.9.2020The artificial intelligence model can identify cancer from digitalised samples
22.6.2020Digitalisation is revolutionising pathology
4.6.2020ELIXIR launches new EU Project — B1MG
22.5.2020The artificial intelligence model searches breast cancer interacting gene variants
14.4.2020Metabolic changes caused by illness, diet or medication can be monitored and understood
23.3.2020Deep learning algorithms for breast cancer risk analysis
24.2.2020Artificial intelligence helps assess the risk factors for breast cancer
14.2.2020A trained dog can identify a smell of cancer
23.1.2020Looking for a Programme Coordinator - ELIXIR Finland
15.1.2020Approval of three new GA4GH standards supporting automation of the data access process
12.12.2019A Versatile Computing Platform for Life and Health Sciences
25.11.2019Bioinformatics calls for a lot of constantly updated courses and analysis software to support the work of researchers
13.11.2019SisuID authentication solution
8.10.2019Objective is to create an assessment, based on health data, of each person’s risk of cardiovascular diseases
10.9.2019To develop targeted treatments for venous diseases
6.9.2019Interested in a research visit to Europe or inviting a researcher to your group?
22.8.2019Access to numerous bioinformatics services through secure user ID management
5.7.2019A unique genetic background has enabled the study of rare diseases
16.6.2019VEIL.AI anonymises patient data better and faster than traditional methods
23.5.2019Electron microscope imaging of tissues and cells helps to understand interaction between cells
25.4.2019Mice are of great assistance in the study of human diseases
7.3.2019New infrastructure to facilitate bioimaging
1.3.2019New imaging techniques can be used to diagnose diseases
21.1.2019There is still work to do to achieve uniform data processing, analysis and principles of use
12.12.2018Clinical and research data collected on people help resolving the underlying genes behind various diseases
13.11.2018The underlying mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases are studied through genetic variation
12.11.2018Laura Elo and her research group develop methods to find different predictive markers for diseases
25.10.2018Finnish User Cases
1.10.2018Genomic data management services available as part of the ELIXIR infrastructure
12.9.2018The eSISu project securely stores the details in Finnish genomes to improve investigating hereditary diseases
15.5.2018With vaccine against diarrhoea
7.5.2018Finnish biobank operators discuss IT matters
24.4.2018Suitable drug and correct dosage with an interpretation algorithm
19.3.2018Bank of million patient samples getting bigger
20.2.2018Mapping the genomes of all organisms enables the development of new vaccines and medicines
7.2.2018REMS-software: ordered and secured
11.8.2017Better harvests via bio technology
2.11.2017Utilising genomic data in health care
A quarter of patients received medications whose efficacy or safety could have been improved by considering the patient’s genome.
Professor Mikko Niemi’s research conducted a nationwide analysis that included all internal medicine and surgical patients in Finnish hospitals, as well as a group of university hospital patients for whom genetic data was available from the THL biobank.
The nationwide cohort included data from 1.4 million people in Finland obtained from THL-managed registries. Two years after hospitalisation, 60 per cent of patients had purchased a prescription medication for which genetic information is relevant.
According to Niemi, genetic information could be highly beneficial in drug treatment.
“Based on current research, many patients could benefit from adjusting their medication based on genetic information.”
If doctors had access to information about patients’ genetics, medication costs and significant adverse effects could often be reduced, and the number of days of sick leave would also decrease.
Niemi’s research group has used the computing services of Finland’s ELIXIR Node at CSC – IT Center for Science to analyse genetic data. Data management has made use of CSC’s sensitive data platform.
In the future, Europeans will have faster and more accurate diagnoses. Collected and analysed genomic data will enable better drug design and preventive treatments.
Niemi sees it as essential that researchers have access to such infrastructure.
“High-quality genomic data storage is crucial for future research. It ensures that new genetic factors influencing drug efficacy and safety can be identified and their impact can be assessed, and that they can ultimately be put into use.”
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