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CSC’s cloud computing platforms offer high performance computing with superior flexibility and user experience via Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). With the services you can take the control of your IT infrastructure, manage it in flexible fashion, and automate it as you require. You can launch and manage virtual machines, deploy storage, and create networks for your needs.  

Read more about our service: https://research.csc.fi/cloud-computing 

CSC provides the computing resources required for data processing with a cloud-based interface. CSC’s cloud service (CSC Cloud IaaS) provides a virtualised computing cluster and storage capacity. These virtualised resources can be incorporated into the local computing environment (virtual node).

The cloud service of CSC is an extension of the local computing and storage service. The new interface helps the IT personnel of different research institutes to tailor the computing and storage services to suit their own organisation. The service encapsulates complex software environments into a functional package, allowing the software of a single laboratory to operate smoothly within CSC’s computing cluster. This way, the centralised resources of CSC become part of the local organisation. The service supports good information security and reliable authentication.

Once the data network has been configured with CSC, the IT specialists of the local organisation can add or remove these virtual computing nodes and data storage capacity, but they appear as normal and local resources to the end user. The organisation can use any operating system or software.

The services can also be accessed via a single light path connection. A fast 10 Gbit/s communications link has been established between CSC, the Meilahti Campus and the Institute for Molecular Medicine Finland. The connection enables the quick analysis and utilisation of genetic data obtained from biobanks. The light path is part of Funet, a network maintained by CSC that serves Finnish universities and research. Going forward, a similar service distribution route can also be offered to other operators and disciplines.

Virtual machines that contain software are administered in local organisations. The IT administrators of the organisations manage their virtual machines, install the desired software environment onto them and integrate them in the way that they want for their organisation’s own IT environment. The virtual machines may contain, for example, various tools for digitising samples and analysing the resulting materials.

The virtual machines may also have access to private NFS storage. The hardware located at CSC is connected through a high-speed local area network.


All cloud services provided by ELIXIR Europe:
