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The utilisation of data requires training. ELIXIR offers training opportunities across Europe. The Finnish ELIXIR node CSC organises a wide range of courses in bioinformatics, providing guidance in the use of databases, software and cloud-based services. CSC experts assist researchers with IT problems and provide advice on the use and development of computing methods and related software. Trainers of the international network visit the ELIXIR nodes and organise training events.

Trainers of the international ELIXIR network visit the different nodes and organise training events. ELIXIR’s training portal TeSS (https://tess.elixir-europe.org/) lists bioinformatics courses arranged in Europe and can also be used to search for links to the training materials of previously held courses.

All training services provided by ELIXIR Europe:


Trainings organised by CSC – IT Center for Science

Training materials of trainings organised by CSC – IT Center for Science